Enver Düveroğlu is our founder, master, father, entrepreneur ..
Anıttepe, Ankara;
Long wide street, Gençlik street. In the conditions of that day, the quiet and calm street in Ankara, but that beautiful street that goes in Ata's Mausoleum.
Enver Düveroğlu is our founder, master, father, entrepreneur. Exactly 48 years ago (1963), Anıttepe was born in the quiet Ankara of the time, in a region where the population density of 3000 people live, offering a tiny but labor-intensive taste and sharing this taste with neighborhood friends at the lowest price; "Duveroglu". This taste point, which is conveyed by word of mouth under the conditions of the day, has grown over the years by sharing the wide and magnificent cuisine of our city of Gaziantep with its citizens from Ankara, not giving up neither taste nor affordable price policy. Our organizations, which continue to grow as a family business, including in the third generation, continue as textile, retail, wholesale food and restaurant chains and continue to have a strong, honest and respectful business approach.